Saturday, February 14, 2009

Need to Rethink the title

Its been a long time, since I have blogged, this is mainly because of the time constraints that I have and partly because I didnt develop sufficient interest in blogging. But now I think it has become imperative for me to blog, as I officially have blogging assignments. It might be a coincidence, that I have started again on this day 14th of Feb. Happy Valentines day to all. It feels a bit nostalgic when I remember this day, not because I have had something special last year, but because I have never had the opportunity to celebrate this day in real sense. I know many of us have this idea of selp contemplation, that its not necessary to have a date or someone who loves you like that, and we try to convince ourself that there are many others who love us e.g. parents, friends, colleagues and scores of people who we come in contact with in out daily buzz. But, the fact remains that somewhere deep inside, we all long for that perfect date, specially on this day :D. I feel more opinionated here, but cant help it, this is what I have experienced with most people around. Below is the brief description of these special characters, who try their destiny and make their mark on all valentines.

Lamiano-catastrophito : Some are lame, who dont even want to give it a try and convince themselves for life that they are totally incapable of such a catastrophe, I specially used this word, as it is a catastrophe for them, whenever such people actually get a chance to prove themselves wrong. Though the population of this new Valentine species has remained almost constant since time immemorial, but it has started growing in the past few decades, mainly because of rise of individualism. It is believed that some really egoistic people also fall in this category :P.
Special Traits : You will find them walking with their heads straight, pretending not looking at anyone, as if they are the kings and queens of their walks. Their favourite line "Talk to you later, am in real rush". "Please fix an appointment before we meet","Uh !!, what was your name?". They wont ever ask you straight questions like any normal person would e.g. "Be my date" :D, rather they would expect you to be submissive and bold enough to raise that question. There favourite hangout places "Libraries". Ironically, many love stories start from libraries, why so the question remains un-answered !!

Deperado-philipino : This is a special category, which tries so hard to push themselves against the odds, that they end up becoming desperate enough to fall for anyone, who shows some sympathy for that matter, watchout for this breed specially this valentine (economic situation is partly to blame). They tend to agree on anything and everything that drips out of your vocabulary, even if it is wrong, they would be the ones, praising you all the times. It is not something new for them, they carry lists, targetting people. They seem to be god gifted with this talent of understanding conversations, they arent even part of !!.
Special traits : They will laugh on all your PJ's, specially when you yourself realise that you cracked one. You will find them all around, they might even sneak into private places. Its as if, they are invited wherever you go. These people are firm believers. Die hard fans of their own fantasies, about the opposite sex :P.Ever since, he has made his mark, which he very firmly believes, will fetch him his precious...he considers himself next to no one else, than Leonardo de Caprio.